Friday 1 April 2011

Life continues on...oh and did I mention the Anthrax?!!!!

Well it has been a long six weeks since I last posted – sorry about that!  Life and procrastination got in the way off my attempts at recording life here in South Sudan (to be known officially as the Republic of South Sudan from 9th July – hurray!).

So the last time I wrote I was in Diani Beach in Kenya – this time I am coming to you live from Jinja in Uganda.  Every 6 weeks we get a week off to relax- for me this means trying to see as much of East Africa as I can.  So I find myself in the adventure capital of Uganda – white water rafting yesterday and hopefully some kayaking tomorrow ;-)  Probably the most exciting part of being away is the food – for the first time in 3 months I had mashed potato – oh the happiness!

Life in Wau has been flowing along….supplies moving into the warehouse and unfortunately not moving out as quickly as I would like.  This is also a good sign as it means that on the whole South Sudan has been pretty calm since the referendum vote for independence.  The whole country just seems to now be waiting and planning for the party on the 9th July.  Otherwise life has got into a nice routine – work 6 days a week and spend Sundays relaxing  ;-)

The other exciting thing that has been going on in Wau is that they have detected Anthrax in our beef – yes Anthrax!  Until recently I thought it was a white powder that came in envelopes but sadly it can also come in meat.  So I am now a forced vegetarian – it feels very un-Australian.

Instead of some long essay this time I am thinking of a photo montage showing life here in South Sudan – please cue some sort of funky music in order to set the mood for the photos….

The beach in Diani - which is just outside of Mombassa in Kenya.  It was great to get back into the Indian Ocean after a couple of Months of being landlocked!

One of the main streets in Wau.  Pictured above is the rickshaws which are the main form of transport for a lot of people, food and chickens!!!  They cost about 5 pounds (2 USD) to catch anywhere around Wau.  The dirt roads are definitely getting dustier as the weather gets hotter - only a couple of weeks now till the rain starts and they become mud pools.

This is the main supermarket here in Wau - it really is the "Fresh food people", food is often farmed or picked in the morning and sold later that day.  The main veges available are tomatoes, onions and if we are lucky - carrots!

The view as you are landing at Wau airport of some flights that weren't so lucky - always reassuring to see this as you are coming into land on a dirt tarmac!

The view from my safari tent in Jinja (Uganda).  This is the source of the Nile River and much time was spent either in the river dodging the river lizards - aka Nessie or sitting in the hamock contemplating life ;-)

Only a small Q&A this week - luckily my Mum has had most of her questions answered!

Ms V Dreaver-Lacey asks - "What is the fastest land mammal?"
Well Vicki, this is the Cheetah (thanks Wikipedia!).  Can I consider this answer to be your wedding gift ;- )

Mrs K Barns asks - "What are you doing in your spare time?"
Lately it is been playing alot of Texas Hold Em poker - still not sure why!!!  But there isn't really anything else to do here on a Saturday night.  Still not sure if I am any good or not but breaking even which is a good start - I really just have to work on my bluffing!

So that is it - hopefully it won't be so long till my next post....see you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Peta, what an amazing thing you are doing. So many worlds away from my life in Melbourne. We have just been joined by our little boy Maximilian Christian Rosler and that is pretty much consuming my world right now. All good! Laura adjusting but not entirely happy. Beach in Kenya looks amazing! I think breaking even in poker is pretty damn good. Questions? John wants to know how the drinking water is. What are the people you are living with like? Do people try to bribe you for supplies from the warehouses? Hope it all continues well. When do you get back? Love Rachel, John, Laura and Max
