Monday 9 December 2013

Random photos of Iraq

I have been spending quite a bit of time in the last couple of weeks out of Erbil due to the implementation of winter activities in the camps across Northern Iraq.  It has been great to escape and see some of the countryside.  So below I have posted some of my favourite shots - enjoy!

Kids make their own fun in the camps - here is two examples.  The first is the lid of a rubbish bin being used as a sled.  The photo below is pipes being re-made into a slippery dip!

The sunsets are just amazing here - really vivid colours.  The other thing that I like - the power poles!  Each city has it's own design - it really makes the ones at home seem quite boring....

And now for some scenery shots.  I really didn't do enough research before I came to Iraq - I knew that that it wasn't all desert but I wasn't expecting the amazing mountain ranges and lakes.  Sadly due to security restrictions I haven't had a chance to go hiking - but would definitely like to come back one day as a tourist and get out there.

And another sunset shot - sorry but they are just lovely :-)

One odd thing about living in the Kurdish region of Iraq is the amount of ferris wheels - it seems even the smallest town has one!  This is the shot of one in Dohuk, however about 50 metres away there is another one as well - must be that demand is high!  Somehow these ones all seem to be working - unlike the Southern Star in Melbourne :-)  We all went for a ride and it was quite entertaining - something to tick off the bucket list!